Get Educated, Stay Educated
These links will help you get approved, reliable information for your pet’s care. If you would like us to add a specific link, please let us know!
Online Pharmacy
Visit our online pharmacy for low prices on your pets’ flea prevention, heartworm prevention, prescription food, or medications.
Being Prepared
Ready America: Creating an emergency kit for your pet.
Pet Travel: Whether it’s road trips or plane rides, be sure to prepare for your pet’s journey.
New Puppy?
Traveling Abroad?
Dr. Pierson and Dr. Lee are USDA-accredited and can help you with your health certificates. Check out the USDA APHIS website for more information on international travel requirements.
Resources in Berkeley
If your pet has a pet referral emergency outside of our regular office hours, please contact the PETS Referral Center for your pet’s care.
To foster, adopt, hopalongvolunteer, or donate to animal rescue, contact Hopalong Second Chance Animal Rescue to do your part!