A New Year means new resolutions:  Whether it’s a healthier lifestyle, finally finishing an old project, or catching up with family and friends more often, we do our best to stick to them for as long as we can.  But we can’t forget about our pets when making resolutions for the New Year!  January is National Walk Your Pet Month—a perfect start to the new, healthier year for your pet.  Here are some benefits to keeping your cat or dog active: Improves strength, fitness, flexibility and movement Increases energy levels Helps decrease stress and can help improve you and your pets mood Improves sleep PreventsRead More →

In honor of National Pet Dental Health Month in February, Campus Veterinary Clinic is running a few specials to help you stay on top of your pet’s oral health! FREE  dental exams (with a veterinary technician) 25% discount on dental treatments   Preventing periodontal disease in your pet More than 85% of dogs and cats older than four years have periodontal concerns. There are four periodontal types of tissue: the gingiva (gum), cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar supporting bone. Read the rest of the article here. Toothbrushing FAQ’s Q: Why should I brush my dog’s or cat’s teeth? A:  Daily removal of plaque is the  keyRead More →